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Råna Project

Rana periodic table

The Råna project is a part of a former mine site located in Nordland County, Norway. In 2023, Kingsrose incurred the largest exploration expenditure amongst mineral exploration companies in Norway, which identified new zones of minerals at Rånbogen and to the west of the Bruvann mine. As our program advances, we are excited to maintain our involvement with, and support for, both the local community and Sámi.

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We've developed strong relationships with the Ballangen and Narvik communities through regular engagement, investment in local employment and initiatives. 

In addition to our exploration efforts, we'll conduct preliminary baseline surveys covering environmental, archaeological, and cultural heritage aspects to inform our next exploration phase. We're committed to operating at levels surpassing industry standards, continuously enhancing our practices to engage stakeholders transparently and safeguard cultural and environmental values.

Narvik Municiplaity Meeting 3

Our Engagement

Since acquiring the exploration rights in this area in 2023 we have worked hard to strike up clear and open lines of communication with many local stakeholders.  We have held introductory public meetings, meeting with local residents, land and cabin owners. In addition, we have had meetings with the Narvik Municipality, Ballangen community, UiT Narvik and Frostisen reindeer herding district.

We recognise and respect Reindeer Herding District Frostisen’s right to herd reindeer in the area and look forward to collaborating with the Reindeer Herding District in 2024 to guide planned activities in the area.

Kingsrose acknowledges that the project may be of importance to additional stakeholders and further communication is required, therefore we are planning more opportunities for engagement and welcome any interested parties making contact.

By cultivating authentic relationships with communities, we strive for success to be defined and achieved together. See our feedback form.

Community Commitments

  1. Open Communication:
    • We commit to maintaining clear and open lines of communication with local stakeholders since acquiring exploration rights in 2023. This includes holding introductory public meetings and engaging with local residents, landowners, and cabin owners.
    • We have also initiated meetings and will continue to engage with Narvik Municipality, Ballangen community, UiT Narvik, and Frostisen reindeer herding district.
  2. Respect for Reindeer Herding District Frostisen:
    • We acknowledge and respect Reindeer Herding District Frostisen's right to herd reindeer in the area. In 2024, we commit to collaborating with them to guide planned activities in the area.
  3. Continued Engagement:
    • Recognising the importance of additional stakeholders, we commit to planning more opportunities for engagement and welcome any interested parties to contact us. Please refer to our feedback form to get in contact with us.
  4. Environmental and Cultural Preservation:
    • We are committed to operating at levels surpassing industry standards, continuously enhancing our practices to engage stakeholders transparently and safeguard cultural and environmental assets.
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Our commitment to environmental stewardship runs deep, with every member of our team dedicated to safeguarding our planet. 

We're leading the way in responsible mineral exploration by conducting comprehensive surveys on water, biodiversity, flora, and fauna. By integrating data from flora and archaeological surveys conducted in 2023 with those from our 2024 surveys, we're customising our exploration program to incorporate insights gained from this research.

2023 09 23 Rana Autumn Scenic

Natural Environment

In 2023, we enlisted Arctic flora and fauna specialists, Sali Natur to assess the area's baseline conditions. Utilising their findings, we meticulously planned and executed activities to minimise our ecological footprint.

Moreover, we conducted archaeological and cultural heritage surveys to inform the next phase of our exploration program.

During the 2023 drilling program, unacceptable ground disturbance was identified during ground-based drilling. To prevent this occurring again, we developed a pre-disturbance survey procedure, and all future drilling will be completed using helicopter support to minimise future disturbance. In addition, we engaged Salir Natur to plan rehabilitation works. Earthworks were completed in 2023 to stabilise the area of disturbance and seeds were purchased to allow for 2024 revegetation.

Environmental Commitments

In 2024 we will be holding public meetings and meetings with key community groups in order to share our plans for 2024.

  • Kingsrose will only use helicopter drill-rigs in future drill-programs.
  • We will be conducting preliminary baseline surveys covering environmental, archaeological, and cultural heritage aspects to inform our next exploration phase.
  • Regarding the area of unacceptable disturbance, seeding will occur in 2024, which will be followed by the development of a rehabilitation monitoring program. This will include development of success criteria and annual monitoring/reporting requirements.
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The Råna project is a brownfield nickel-copper-cobalt project that we believe there is excellent potential for a significant discovery.

With promising indications of valuable minerals in areas like Bruvann and Rånbogen, and a large unexplored area, we believe there is excellent potential for a significant discovery with an opportunity for value creation in the wider community.

2023 09 23 Ranbogen Drill Rig Scenic


The Råna intrusion spans approximately 9 by 11 kilometres and is nestled into a variety of rock types.

This intrusion likely formed during a mountain-building event called the Caledonide Orogeny. Gabbro and norite occur in the centre, with ultramafic rocks occuring on the margins to the north and south.

The valuable minerals, like nickel, tend to be concentrated in the lower ultramafic rocks, mainly in the northwest and southern regions. Sometimes, these minerals are found in significant clusters that extend into the surrounding rocks. 

Historical work at Bruvann has proven that sulphide exists to depth. From exploration results to date at Rånbogen, we have shown that mineralisation is at surface and may extend to depth. Traditional exploration methods might overlook these hidden deposits as these efforts were mainly focused on what was visible near the surface. Using non-intrusive, advanced geophysical surveys we will continue our efforts towards discovery. We will also continue to utilise airborne surveys to map out the shape of the rock formations as well as carry out detailed mapping and core sampling to gain a better understanding of the rocks. 

With promising indications of valuable minerals in areas like Bruvann and Rånbogen, and a large unexplored area, we believe there is excellent potential for a significant discovery.

Kingsrose announced in an ASX Announcement on the 16 September 2024 that reconnaissance mapping and rock chip sampling, conducted in June and July 2024, has both confirmed historical rock chip results and discovered new zones of high-grade copper and nickel sulphide mineralisation in target areas located on the 100% owned exploration licences acquired from EMX at the Råna project.


Råna is located on the west coast in Nordland Country, northern Norway, 37 kilometres south by main road from the deep water, ice-free Port of Narvik, which ships 18-20 million tons per annum of iron from Swedish mining operations. The small international airport at Evenes is 94 kilometres by road from the mine site with direct flights to Oslo.

The project is accessible from the main road via a three-kilometre graded and well maintained gravel road which leads directly to the disused plant and mine portal, along which a disused conveyor belt still exists and leads from the Bruvann mine site to an operational harbour. Kingsrose has refurbished the mine's office building and repurposed part of the processing plant to act as a drill core processing and storage facility.


The Råna project covers the 70 square kilometre Råna intrusion, a Caledonide mafic-ultramafic intrusion. ​

The project includes the past producing, underground Bruvann Mine within a contiguous exploration licence holding of 211 square kilometres. The Bruvann deposit included a small but high-grade (approximately 1 to 5% Ni) massive sulphide core, indicating that the intrusion generated high tenor nickel sulphide mineralisation. Past production demonstrates the viability of operating in the region and the mine area remains designated for raw material extraction in the municipality land use zoning plan.​

In 2023 Kingsrose commenced a comprehensive program of mapping and geophysical surveys which generated drill targets at Bruvann and Rånbogen, leading to the interception of a new zone of massive sulphide mineralisation at Rånbogen and extensions to the west of the Bruvann mine. The remainder of the intrusion is prospective and underexplored, and the company will continue its systematic program over these areas.


Phase One drilling has intercepted nickel sulphide mineralisation in two target areas:

  • At Rånbogen 23RAN002 intercepted two zones of mineralisation coincident with EM and MT conductive anomalies:
  • 26.2 metres at 0.7 % Ni, 0.2 % Cu and 0.06 % Co from 169.0 metres, including:
  • 9.3 metres at 1.0 % Ni, 0.3 % Cu and 0.10 % Co from 176.5 metres.
  • 2.7 metres at 0.90 % Ni, 0.13 % Cu and 0.08 % Co from 281.9 metres.

Bruvann mine is open with both large scale, disseminated nickel sulphide zones and high-grade, massive sulphide, adjacent to mine infrastructure. 2023 drilling at Bruvann highlights include:

  • 2.5 metres at 1.00 % Ni, 0.14% Cu and 0.08 % Co from 172.91 metres (Hole 23BRU001), including 1.0 metre at 1.94 % Ni, 0.18% Cu and 0.18 % Co from 173.91 metres (Figures 2 and 3)
    • This intercept is located 20 metres southwest and along strike from an historical massive sulphide drill intercept, located 70 metres south of the inferred position of historical underground workings.
  • 50.0 metres at 0.43 % Ni, 0.10% Cu and 0.02 % Co from 470.6 metres (Hole 23BRU003) (Figures 2 and 4).
    • This intercept is located 20 metres down dip from broad zones of mineralisation identified in historical drilling and underground mining, which is open and undrilled to the west and down dip.

Massive sulphide outcrops with high nickel tenors at Bruvann and Rånbogen demonstrate fertility and, with 8 kilometres of largely untested strike along the northern intrusion margin, Kingsrose considers that there is scope for a significant discovery.​

Competent Person's Statement

The information in this website that relates to the Exploration Results at the Råna project was first reported by the Company in compliance with the 2012 edition of the JORC Code in ASX announcements dated 17 January 20235 March 2023, 20 April 20234 September 2023, 23 October 2023 and 5 February 2024.

The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the ASX releases referred to above and it further confirms that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the exploration results and exploration target continue to apply and have not materially changed.

The information in this website that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled under the supervision of Andrew Tunningley, who is a Member and Chartered Professional (Geology) of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is Head of Exploration for Kingsrose Mining Limited. Mr Tunningley has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.” Mr Tunningley consents to the inclusion on this website of the matter based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

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Mineral exploration operates under strict regulations, and for good reason.

We collaborate closely with both local and national authorities to exceed legal standards. Our success is built on teamwork, generating value alongside lasting social and economic benefits for all.

Prior to drilling at any new sites, we will ensure that we communicate with interested parties, and in particular obtain permission of affected landowners.

Expert Geophysics Rana 18

Preliminary Permitting Roadmap

Rana comprises 24 contiguous exploration licences for a total of 211 square kilometres. Exploration licences in Norway are granted for an initial seven-year period and can be extended for up to an additional three years. Annual licence fees are payable to the Direktoratet for Mineralforvaltning (DMF) at a rate of NOK 10/ hectare in years 2-3, NOK 30/hectare in years 4-5 and NOK 50/hectare in years 6-7 plus any extension years.

Kingsrose owns 100% of the 3 square kilometres ‘Arnes-B’ licence which was granted on 24th March 2023 and expires 24th March 2030. Kingsrose is exploring the rest of the project under two separate agreements:

Scandinavian Resource Holdings & Global Energy Metals Corp Joint Venture

Scandinavian Resource Holdings (SRH) and Global Energy Metals (GEMC) own 100% of four contiguous exploration licences totalling 25 square kilometres including the past producing Bruvann Mine and the Ranbogen prospect. These licences were granted 7th March 2019 and expire 7th March 2026, but may be extended for a further three years.

Kingsrose entered into a Transaction Implementation Agreement (TIA) with SRH and GEMC on 18 January 2023 which gives Kingsrose the right to earn up to a 75% interest in the exploration licences by spending A$15 million in operational expenditure over up to eight years. Kingsrose is the operator of the Joint Venture.

Kingsrose advises that the conditions to second completion of the TIA announced on 18 January 2023 regarding its staged investment into the Råna project have been satisfied. As at Second Completion, the Company has earnt a 51% interest in the Råna Project by incurring $3 million of expenditure on the Råna Project and drilling more than 5,000 metres. In accordance with the TIA, the Company has issued Metals One Plc, the nominee of Scandinavian Resource Holdings Pty Ltd with 1,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the Company as part consideration for the earn in.

Please refer to ASX Announcement dated 18 January 2023 and ASX Announcement 4 September 2024 for further details on the terms of the TIA.

The four licences are subject to three 1% net-smelter royalty agreements (for a total 3% NSR) granted to third parties.

Rana Dispensations

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Kingsrose Mining Limited is an ASX Listed (ASX : KRM) company focused on responsible mineral exploration & discovery

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