Central Finland Project
In June 2023, Kingsrose acquired the rights to four exploration reservations in central Finland: one in Haapajärvi and three in Suonenjoki, covering a combined area of 993.1 square kilometres. The region hosts a number of significant historical mines. Kingsrose is targeting the discovery of new nickel and copper deposits, and has developed a number of targets in partnership with leading global mining company BHP.
We recognise the importance of the natural environment, and in particular water to both the local community and the broader Finnish population and prioritise it's protection in our exploration plans.
In the summer and autumn of 2023, Kingsrose Exploration Oy (Kingsrose) engaged with the municipalities : Haapajärvi municipality, Reisjärvi municipality, Pyhäjärvi municipality.
In 2024 we will be meeting with the communities in Haapajärvi, Pyhäjärvi & Reisjärvi to share and develop our plans with the input from interested parties.
See further details for the date, time and place of the meeting below.
Our Engagement
Kingsrose values proactive and transparent communication with local communities.
During the summer and autumn of 2023, Kingsrose had the privilege of engaging with several municipalities, including Haapajärvi, Reisjärvi, and Pyhäjärvi. Following these initial meetings, we met with Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus to introduce our company and overall approach.
In November 2023, a well-attended public meeting was held in the Rautalampi community. The focus was on our commitment to responsible exploration, highlighting our ongoing community engagement and environmental protection efforts.
Looking ahead, we're planning follow-up sessions for the Haapajärvi reservation in May 2024. These sessions are expected to include another public meeting, discussions with local municipalities, and engagement with Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus.
Community Presentation
Community Commitments
In 2024 we will meet with surrounding communities of the Haapajärvi reservation in May 2024 and again later on in October/November to share what we have learnt for the work we will conduct in summer and future plans.
In addition to these meetings, we will organise meetings outside of our statutory requirement as an exploration company in the interest of transparency with the municipalities Haapajärvi, Pyhäjärvi & Reisjärvi and ELY Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus.
- Proactive and Transparent Communication:
- Engagement with the communities in Central Finland started in May 2023 and has been maintained consistently, this engagement will broaden as we develop new relationships area.
- Our primary objective is to establish, understand, and nurture trust-based relationships with all stakeholders, including tourism and recreational users of the land.
- Engagement Efforts:
- Our team are working closely with the communities in Central Finland in order to understand and develop relationships.
- The ultimate objective is to enable these communities to actively guide the shared success of our projects in the long term.
- Future Planning and Engagement:
- Before finalising future plans, Kingsrose will build on progress and learnings to date, remaining committed to proactive and transparent engagement with landowners, stakeholders, and the community.
Securing the future supply of vital minerals ahead of time is a crucial stride in the global shift toward sustainable energy. At Kingsrose, our team is deeply committed to environmental stewardship, recognising the pivotal role it plays in safeguarding our planet.
We recognise the importance of water to both the local community and the broader Finnish population and prioritise it's protection in our plans.
Natural Environment
Following thorough desktop research and incorporating feedback from our community engagement program, we have made adjustments to the reservation area. Specifically, we have excluded lakes, buildings, protected areas such as national parks and Natura 2000 sites, as well as archaeological sites.
Additionally, we are mindful of the sensitive groundwater at Suonenjoki and Rautalampi, which is either utilised for abstraction purposes or protected by ELY. Our approach acknowledges the significance of these resources and seeks to uphold their integrity.
Furthermore, we are scheduled to conduct desktop surveys of flora and fauna in March 2024. The insights gleaned from these studies will inform our strategy as we progress to field surveys, ensuring that our operations are conducted with the utmost consideration for environmental impact.
Environmental Commitments
With consideration of the importance of biodiversity and water, we will complete the following in 2024:
- Conducting preliminary baseline surveys covering biodiversity aspects to inform planning of our exploration programs at the Haapajärvi and Suonenjoki reservations.
- Undertaking baseline water surveys to provide details of water quality before planning intrusive exploration works.
In Finland, Kingsrose has been granted four exploration reservations at the Central Finland project in the Kotalahti Nickel Belt, a 400 kilometre long greenstone belt which hosts the past producing Hitura, Kotalahti and Enonkoski nickel mines.
Desktop targeting and field reconnaissance has defined 14 initial targets across the four exploration reservations.
Kingsrose holds four Exploration Reservations for 993.1 square kilometres in the Kotalahti Nickel Belt, which includes the past producing Hitura, Kotalahti and Laukunkangas mines. Kingsrose’s participation in the BHP Xplor Program in 2023 saw the company undertake a target generation exercise, fully-funded by BHP, defining 14 targets within the Exploration Reservations.
The Central Finland Project is prospective for syn-orogenic, chonolith hosted magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt. The belt is host to three past producing nickel-copper mines called Hitura, Kotalahti and Laukukangas. The remainder of the belt is relatively underexplored.
See ASX Announcement dated 22 May 2024 for more information.
The Haapajärvi Reservation spans the Haapajärvi, Pihtipudas, Pyhäjärvi, Reisjärvi and Lestijärvi municipalities in Central Finland. It is located on major rail and road and is 130km south of the international Kokkola port on the Bay of Bothnia. The Suonenjoki, Kerkonkoski and Kerkonkoski Etela are located further south in the region of Northern Savonia, 50km west of the city of Kuopio. The Reservations are situated on the E63 highway and connected to the Gulf of Finland by rail. The region is characterised by forest, farmland and lakes with low topographic relief.
The Kotalahti Nickel Belt is a 400km long, northwest-southeast trending belt of metamorphosed supracrustal rocks intruded by a series of fractionated mafic-ultramafic intrusions. The belt straddles the Raahe-Ladoga suture zone between the Archean Karelian domain to the east and the Paleoproterozoic Central Finland Granitoid Complex to the west. Mafic-ultramafic intrusions were emplaced during Sveocofennian orogenesis at approximately 1.88 Ga, a globally significant age for nickel-copper districts including the Raglan and Thompson districts, respectively located in Quebec and Manitoba, Canada.
The belt is host to three past producing nickel-copper mines called Hitura, Kotalahti and Laukukangas. Disseminated to massive sulphide is hosted by mafic-ultramafic intrusions but also occurs in the footwall to intrusions as high-grade, ‘offset-type’ massive sulphide orebodies.
Exploration Reservations held by Kingsrose at the Central Finland Project are grouped into two blocks:
- The Haapajärvi Exploration Reservation for 787.7 square kilometres, situated 20 kilometres south of the past-producing Hitura mine and covering at least six prospective mafic-ultramafic intrusions.
- The Suonenjoki Exploration Reservations (Suonenjoki, Kerkonkoski and Kerkonkoski Etelä Exploration) for a total of 205.4 square kilometres, 25 kilometres west of the past-producing Kotalahti mine and adjacent to a 30-kilometre trend of nickel-copper mineralised mafic-ultramafic boulders.
The BHP Xplor funding enabled Kingrose to generate targets through reprocessing and interpreting regional geophysical data, acquisition, and compilation of geochemical data, and reviewing the characteristics and geological models of known mineralised intrusions. 14 targets have been generated within Kingsrose’s Reservations while additional targeting continues to identify further prospective ground across the Project.
Although there has been significant past-production throughout the belt, extensive glacial till cover and limited modern-day exploration for magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt systems mean that the remains underexplored.
Work programs have been planned to assess the potential of mafic-ultramafic intrusions identified during the target generation phase of work, undertaken in 2023 under the BHP Xplor Program. Future exploration will be driven by airborne geophysical programs, followed up with non-invasive surface work such as geological mapping and sampling, surface geochemical sampling and ground geophysics. ASX Announcement 22 May 2024
Competent Person's Statement
The information in this website that relates to the Exploration Results in Central Finland was first reported by the Company in compliance with the 2012 edition of the JORC Code in ASX announcements dated: 22 May 2024.
The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the ASX releases referred to above and it further confirms that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the exploration results and exploration target continue to apply and have not materially changed.
The information on this website that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr Andrew Tunningley, who is a Member and Chartered Professional (Geology) of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is Head of Exploration of Kingsrose Mining Limited. Mr Tunningley has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Tunningley consents to the inclusion in this report of the matter based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
We hold four Exploration Reservations for 993.1 square kilometres in the Kotalahti Nickel Belt, Central Finland. We have grouped two separate Exploration Reservations together which make up the Haapajärvi and Suonenjoki reservations.
Our participation in the BHP Xplor Program in 2023 saw the company undertake a target generation exercise, fully funded by BHP, these reservations will end in June 2025.
Preliminary Permitting Roadmap
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Kingsrose Mining Limited is an ASX Listed (ASX : KRM) company focused on responsible mineral exploration & discovery
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